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September 30, 2024

Study guide

Elevate your study game with Retable's study guide spreadsheet template - your ultimate companion for organizing, tracking, and acing your academic journey!

Study guide spreadsheet template

📌 You can copy and customize the study guide spreadsheet template to your own Retable dashboard by clicking the "Copy to workspace" button in the upper right corner of the template!

Columns of the study guide spreadsheet template

  • Chapter/Unit: It's a select column type. This column indicates the chapter/unit of your study. You can easily organize your topics' units to manage your study guide smoothly.
  • Key topics: It'a a text column type. This column indicates the key topics of the related chapter/unit.
  • Status: It's a select column type. This column inddicates the current status of the work to-do. You can easily create a Kanban view by stacking the status column to manage your study better.
  • Level: It's a select column type. This column indicates the level of the related topics.
  • Important terms: It's a text column type. This column indicates the important terms of the related topic.
  • Homework assignments: It's a text column type. You can easily keep and track all assignments of the related topics with this column.
  • Due date: It's a calendar column type. This column allows you to specify due dates for your homeworks so you can create calendar view to track upcoming due dates easily.
  • Study notes: It's a rich text column type. You can easily keep your study notes in this column by creating headlines, listicles with bullet points or highlighting the important parts.
  • Questions/Confusions: It's a multi-line text column type. You can write all your questions about the related topic to this column to not forget to ask your teacher.
  • Attachments: It's an attachment column type. You can easily upload any file to this column and then preview all of them directly from the Retable.

Retable's study guide spreadsheet template is designed to streamline your studying processes, making it easier to manage and track from assignment details to status.

Views of the study guide spreadsheet template

The view types of your study guide spreadsheet template are designed to offer different perspectives and ways to interact with your assignments. Here's a brief explanation of each view:

Grid view (default):

This view presents the works in a traditional, but smarter, spreadsheet format, where each row represents a different task and the columns represent the various attributes of each task, such as status, key topics, due date, study notes etc. It's the most detailed and comprehensive view, suitable for editing and entering data collaboratively.

Grid view (Grouped by chapter/unit):

This view functions like the default grid view but includes grouping to organize your data more efficiently. Using the grouping feature, you can see your tasks grouped by "chapter/unit."

Kanban view (Status):

Kanban view shows tasks as dynamic cards on a Kanban board, allowing you to visualize and manage your workflow. Each Kanban card represents a task and can be moved across columns representing different stages of the studying process (e.g., To do, In Progress, Done etc.). This view helps track progress and manage tasks easily

Kanban view (Level):

Kanban view shows tasks as dynamic cards on a Kanban board, allowing you to visualize and manage your workflow. Each Kanban card represents a task and can be moved across columns representing different stages of the level of the related task (e.g., Basic, Intermediate, Advanced etc.). This view helps track the level of the tasks easily

Calendar view:

Calendar view presents your table's dates in a calendar layout, allowing for automatic creation of date ranges from columns such as start and end dates. You also have the flexibility to select specific columns to display in your calendar.

Card view

Card view is one of the most effective ways to visualize data. Thanks to the card view, you can see all your rows as cards. You can have a more readable data view by highlighting your study assets in card view.

Retable offers a range of customizable views tailored for your studying needs, including detailed data entry, work management, assignment planning, and quick classroom scheduling.

Retable's study guide spreadsheet template is designed for effective task management, offering a ready-to-use, customizable format to smoothly organize and advance each task from inception to completion. Featuring Grid, Kanban, and Calendar views, it allows you to tailor your workflow to meet your specific requirements.

Ready to explore even more ways to streamline your studying processes? Dive into Retable's extensive spreadsheet templates archive and find the perfect fit to elevate your studies to the next level. Discover Retable's templates today and transform your tasks into impactful projects with just a few clicks!