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November 5, 2024
Sales & Customers

Customer relationship management

Manage customer relationships seamlessly with Retable's CRM Spreadsheet Template! Organize contacts, track interactions, and boost customer engagement—all in one place!

Customer relationship management (CRM) spreadsheet template

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The CRM spreadsheet template is a comprehensive, structured tool for organizing and managing customer relationships. This template includes four key tables, each designed to handle essential aspects of CRM, from contact management to interaction tracking.

  • Contacts table: This table acts as a centralized repository for all customer contact details, including names, emails, phone numbers, and notes on interactions. By keeping all contact information organized and accessible, this table facilitates effective communication and strengthens customer relationships.
  • Accounts table: This table provides a comprehensive view of each company or client account. It includes key information such as account names, contact details, industry, and account status. With all account information in one place, this table enables efficient account management and tracking.
  • Deals table: This table serves as a structured hub for all deals in progress, capturing essential details such as deal names, values, stages, and close dates. By organizing deal information, this table helps teams prioritize opportunities and track the progress of each deal to closure.
  • Leads table: This table acts as a centralized resource for managing potential customers or leads. It includes details like lead names, sources, contact information, and statuses. By organizing lead data, this table supports lead tracking and conversion efforts, helping teams grow the customer base effectively.

Contacts table

CRM spreadsheet template contacts table

Columns of the contacts table:

  • Name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the full name of the contacts.
  • Contact type: It's a select column type. It indicates the type of the related contact - decision maker or end user. You can add more contact type options to this column.
  • Company name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the name of the company.
  • Job title: It's a select column type. It indicates the title of the related contact . You can add more title options to this column.
  • E-mail: It's an email column type. The emails you write in this column are clickable. So when you click, your email provider opens and you can easily send emails.
  • Phone number: It's a phone number column type. This column indicates the phone numbers of the contacts.
  • Address: It's a geolocation column type. This column indicates the address of the contacts. You can select locations from the map by clicking on the cell.
  • Assignee: It's a collaborator column type. You can assign relevant contacts to your teammates via this column.

Views of the contacts table:

Contacts (Grid view):

Grid view is the default view that contains all your contacts' data. This view is basically similar to an Excel spreadsheet. In this view, you can filter, group or sort your data as you wish, and apply various formatting to your data.

Map view:

Map view is a data view that helps you easily see your customers' locations on the map. All customer locations are shown on the map with pins; when you click on the pins, you can access all the details about the relevant customer.

Grouped by contact type (Grid view):

This data view is basically a grid view. In this grid view, your contact data is grouped according to contact type. You can customize your grouping as you wish. For example, you can set subgroups or create different groupings according to a different column.

Accounts table

Columns of the accounts table:

  • Company name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the name of the company.
  • Primary contact: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the name of the primary contacts.
  • Status: It's a select column type. It indicates the status of the accounts. You can add more status options.
  • Billing cycle: It's a select column type. It indicates the billing cycle of the accounts. You can add more options to this column.
  • Account manager: It's a collaborator column type. You can assign your teammates as the account manager for the relevant accounts via this column.
  • Sales manager: It's a collaborator column type. You can assign relevant accounts to your teammates via this column.

Deals table

crm spreadsheet template deals table

Columns of the deals table:

  • Deal name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the name of the deal.
  • Status: It's a select column type. It indicates the status of the deals. You can add more status options.
  • Priority: It's a select column type. It indicates the priority of the deals. You can add more priority options.
  • Due date: It's a calendar column type. It indicates the deadline of the deal. You can customize the date format of this column.
  • Stage: It's a select column type. It indicates the stage of the deals. You can add more stage options.
  • Segment: It's a select column type. It indicates the segment of the company. You can add more segment options.
  • Discount: It's a percent column type. When you enter a number in this column, Retable automatically adds percent (%) icon. You can customize the placement of the percent icon.
  • Probability: It's a percent column type. When you enter a number in this column, Retable automatically adds a percent (%) icon and shows it on a progress bar.
  • Deal value: It's a currency column type. When you enter a price in this column, Retable autoomatically adds your currency symbol. You can customize your currency symbol and it's placement.
  • Service/Product: It's a multi-select column type. It indicates the services/products provided for the related deal.
  • Assignee: It's a collaborator column type. You can assign relevant deals to your teammates via this column.

Views of the deals table:

Deals (Grid view):

Grid view is the default view that contains all your deals' data. This view is basically similar to an Excel spreadsheet. In this view, you can filter, group or sort your data as you wish, and apply various formatting to your data.

Status kanban (Kanban view):

Kanban view is an ideal view, especially for status management and tracking. If you are tracking any status, you can create Kanban views with the select column in your table. Cards on Kanban boards can be moved by drag and drop.

Priority kanban (Kanban view):

You can easily track your deals' priorities with this kanban view. Cards on Kanban boards can be moved by drag and drop.

Stage kanban (Kanban view):

This kanban view helps you to track the stages of your deals easily. You can eaisily drag & drop your kanban cards to change their stages.

Due date calendar (Calendar view):

Calendar view helps you to easily view and manage the calendar column data in your table on a calendar. You can easily view the data in the due date column in your table in the calendar view.

Segment chart (Chart view):

Chart view helps you to easily create visual reports from your data. The pie chart is used in this chart view and shows the distribution of segments of the companies on a pie chart.

Leads table

Columns of the leads table:

  • Name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the name of the leads' company.
  • Status: It's a select column type. It indicates the status of the leads. You can add more status options.
  • Priority: It's a select column type. It indicates the priority of the leads. You can add more priority options.
  • Contact name: It's a single-line text column. This column indicates the full name of the leads.
  • Job title: It's a select column type. It indicates the job title of the leads. You can add more status options.
  • E-mail: It's an email column type. The emails you write in this column are clickable. So when you click, your email provider opens and you can easily send emails.
  • Phone number: It's a phone number column type. This column indicates the phone numbers of the leads.
  • Lead source: It's a select column type. It indicates the source of the leads. You can add more source options.

Views of the leads table:

Leads (Grid view):

Grid view is the default view that contains all your leads' data. This view is simply like an Excel spreadsheet. In this view, you can filter, group or sort your data as you wish, and apply various formatting to your data.

Status kanban (Kanban view):

Kanban view is an ideal view, especially for status management and tracking. If you are tracking any status, you can create Kanban views with the select column in your table. Cards on Kanban boards can be moved by drag and drop.

Priority kanban (Kanban view):

You can easily track your leads' priorities with this Kanban view. Cards on Kanban boards can be moved by drag and drop.

Lead source chart (Chart view):

Chart view helps you to easily create visual reports from your data. The pie chart is used in this chart view and shows the distribution of source of the leads on a pie chart.