

Easily integrate Retable with other tools you love, via Zapier integrations! Zapier lets you connect Retable with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.


Connect Retable to 5,000+ apps

Zapier lets you connect Retable with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

zapier and retable integration

Zapier is a third-party service that connects Retable to many other apps and services, including Google Forms, MailChimp, Calendly, Discord, Hubspot, and more. This article is specifically designed to teach you how to design Zaps where Retable is the trigger (i.e. creating a new record in Retable triggers a Zap), and where Retable is the action (i.e. doing something in another app/service will automatically trigger the creation of a new record in Retable).

The basic structure of a Zap is that there is a trigger app and an action app. Whenever a specified event happens in the trigger app (e.g., for Gmail this might be "An email was received" or for Google Sheets, this might be "When I add a new row") it automatically triggers an action in the action app.

retable zapier integration

Some examples of Zaps might include:

  • Whenever a new record is created in Retable (the trigger app), create a corresponding event in Google Calendar (the action app).
  • Whenever a new subscriber is added in Hubspot (the trigger app), create a new record for that subscriber in Retable (the action app).
  • Whenever you get a new follower on Twitter (the trigger app), create a new record in Retable for that follower (the action app).

To make a Zap with Retable , you'll need to log in to Zapier (or create an account). From the home page, click the "Create Zap!" button.

When making the Zap, you can decide whether you want Retable to be the trigger app or the action app. In either case, you'll need to connect your Retable account to Zapier. To do this, you'll need to copy your API key from your Retable account page and paste it into Zapier when prompted.

Try Retable's Zapier Integration Now!


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