

Albato is a workflow automation tool that can integrate the apps you use every day.


Connect Retable with Albato

Available actions

  • Inserts new record to the given Retable
  • Update row of a specific Retable
  • Delete row of a specific Retable
  • Get information about the workspace

Before setting up integrations with Retable, connect the app to Albato. To do this, go to the Apps section and click the Add a connection button.

Select the app and click the Add a connection button.

Come up with a name for your connection or save the default one.

Enter your API key.

Click the Continue button.

How to get your Retable API key

  • Go to your Retable account.
  • Open your account overview and go to the API tab.
  • Enable your API key
  • Copy the key

Go to the Albato connection, paste the key into the API key field.

Your Albato & Retable connection is ready!


Retable Integration

View all integrations
Boost Space

Centralize data and automate business processes with Boost Space and Retable


Manage your CRM seamlessly with Firmao and Retable.


Easily import your Airtable bases into Retable without integrating with a third-party tool!

Create your smart data management solution

Plan, track, and analyse with your ease. Transform your data with an all-in-one platform, collaborate with your teammates.

Try for free!
Retable free no login online spreadsheet