

With the help of the Activepieces and Retable integration, you can integrate Retable with other tools within Activepieces without the need for code and easily automate your workflows.


What is Activepieces

Activepieces is a no-code tool designed to help you automate marketing, sales, customer service, and internal processes. It is an open-source integration platform. You can host it on your machine, chat with the community, or contribute to Activepieces. You can create automations for marketing, sales, customer support, and internal operations using 100+ apps and pre-built templates. You can also take advantage of the ChatGPT integration to scale your SEO and social media content, as well as automate lead gen.

Activepieces and Retable integration

Actions of the Retable and Activepieces integration

  • Create Retable record
  • Get workspaces
  • Get projects
  • Get Retables (tables)
  • Create a workspace
  • Create a project

How to start

  • Sign in to Activepieces
  • Start creating your flow, for this, you need to start by selecting a trigger
create activepieces flow for Retable integration
  • To create a trigger, you can select any of the applications in Activepieces' integration library, select the required fields from the left panel and establish your connections. In this example, we selected Google Sheets as the trigger application and linked a sheet.
integrate google sheets with retable
  • Then, you must connect your Retable account with Activepiece to complete your action step. To do this, simply enter your Retable API key.
sync google sheets with retable
  • Then, you can select your workspace, project and table for which you want action to be taken from the fields on the left panel.

How to get your Retable API key

How to get your Retable API key
  • Go to your Retable account.
  • Click your profile icon and open the API section
  • Enable your API key
  • Copy your API key

Retable Integration

View all integrations
Boost Space

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Easily import your Airtable bases into Retable without integrating with a third-party tool!

Create your smart data management solution

Plan, track, and analyse with your ease. Transform your data with an all-in-one platform, collaborate with your teammates.

Try for free!
Retable free no login online spreadsheet