We've something extremely exciting for Retable Organization plan!
It's time to re-paint Retable on your brand colors! 🎨
Now, Retable organization branding customization is live for the Business Unlimited plan! 🚀
If you have a Business Unlimited plan, you can customize Retable branding and add your own branding components to Retable! It means, your logo, your color palette...
Thanks to this development, instead of Retable's logo and colors, you can design your organization's workspace in accordance with your own corporate identity.
Why Is Organization Branding Customization Important?
✔ Your teammates will more easily adopt your company's collaborative workspace, and you will be able to redesign Retable just like your own company product.
✔ The tables, projects, or online forms you send to external people will have your company's corporate identity. Thus, we will protect your corporate image. Promise!
✔ People who fill out a Retable form prepared by your company will be sure that these forms are not prepared by another company.
✔ You will be able to maintain your brand unity by adding your corporate identity to the tables or forms you embed on your website.
Let's see how it works! 🎯
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