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June 26, 2024

Mastering Retable: Exploring advanced column types

Retable's advanced column types offer enhanced flexibility and functionality for effective data management, enabling complex operations and seamless organization of data. Let's explore these treasures together!

Arzu ร–zkan-  Digital Marketing Manager
Arzu ร–zkan
Head of Marketing

Retable offers a range of advanced column types that can make your data operations even more effective. These advanced features can elevate your data management and provide greater flexibility and functionality in organizing and analyzing your information. ๐ŸŒŸ

In your Retable project, you can add advanced columns from the 'Add new column' menu, customizing each column's unique settings to suit your data needs.

Table of contents

Formula column ๐Ÿ”ข

The Formula column is a powerhouse for calculations, automating your numerical operations such as addition, subtraction, and more, directly within your data rows. When you are ready to write your formula, Retable shows you some examples immediately.

retable formula column

For more in-depth exploration, you can visit the formula spreadsheet Retable team has created for you!

Reference another table column ๐Ÿ”—

You can link your data seamlessly across multiple tables with the Reference another table column, enriching your datasets with interconnected information. This column type allows you to link another table in your project, showing all your data in one place so you donโ€™t have to search through multiple tables.

Retable reference another table column

By using the Reference Another Table column, you can ensure that your data remains up-to-date and fully synchronized, providing a comprehensive view of your information at a glance. This feature not only simplifies your workflow but also enhances the overall integrity and utility of your data across Retable.

Lookup values column ๐Ÿ”

The Lookup values column dynamically pulls related data from the referenced row of the table you selected as reference, ensuring your information is always up-to-date with real-time synchronization.

lookup values column

The lookup column is designed to automatically fetch and display relevant data, maintaining accuracy and consistency across your datasets. By using the Lookup values column, you can effortlessly keep your data synchronized, reducing manual updates and potential errors. To create a lookup column, you must first create a reference column.

Rollup column ๐Ÿ“Š

You can aggregate and summarize your data effortlessly with the Rollup column, which allows for customized calculations across your records. Rollup column lets you perform a variety of calculations, such as sums, averages, counts, and more, all tailored to your specific needs.

retable rollup column

Whether youโ€™re tracking totals, computing averages, or generating other summary statistics, the Rollup column provides a powerful and flexible tool to enhance your data management and reporting capabilities. To create a rollup column, you must first create a reference column.

Autonumber column ๐Ÿ”ข

You can organize your records sequentially with the Autonumber column, offering an automatically incremented numbering system for unique identification.

retable autonumber column

The Autonumber column simplifies the process of maintaining order and ensuring each record has a distinct identifier. The Autonumber column is perfect for scenarios where you need a reliable, incremental numbering system, such as tracking entries, managing inventory, or keeping logs.

URL column ๐ŸŒ

You can embed clickable links into your Retable spreadsheets with the URL column, enhancing your records with quick access to web resources. If the URLs look complicated in your table, you can always choose the option to show them as buttons, making it easier for your team to click and redirect.

URL column

This not only keeps your table clean and organized but also improves the usability of your links, ensuring that everyone can quickly and easily access the necessary resources.

Unique identifier column ๐Ÿ†”

You can generate distinctive and auto-generated codes for your records using the Unique identifier column, ensuring each entry is unmistakably identified. These codes can be applied to passwords, product codes, or user codes, ensuring their uniqueness and preventing manual changes. You can customize the format with upper and lowercase letters, length, and even add numbers or symbols.

retable unique identifier column

Retable's unique identifier column allows you to customize your unique identifier. You can use uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols and you can set the length of the identifiers.

Geolocation column ๐Ÿ“

Enrich your records with precise location data using the Geolocation column, incorporating mapping capabilities directly within your tables. This feature allows you to add exact geographic coordinates to your entries, providing valuable context and enhancing the informational depth of your data.

retable geolocation column

By integrating mapping functionality, you can visualize locations, track geographic trends, and improve spatial analysis, all within the convenience of your Retable spreadsheet. Whether youโ€™re managing assets, tracking deliveries, or analyzing regional data, the Geolocation column adds a powerful layer of location-based insight to your records.

Collaborator column ๐Ÿ‘ฅ

The Collaborator column brings team functionality into your records, allowing you to assign and notify collaborators directly within cells. You can add multiple collaborators and notify them when they are added or when the row gets updated and changed.

retable collaborator column

To assign tasks to your colleagues via the collaborator column, you must first add them to your project as collaborators.

Created time column ๐Ÿ•’

Track the inception of your data entries with the Created time column, which automatically records when each record is added. You can format the date as you like and can also include time.

retable created time column

You cannot manually change the data in the created time column. This is a metadata column and automatically gets its data from the date the related row was created.

Created by column ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป

Identify the creator of each record with the Created by column, offering clear accountability within your collaborative workspace.

created by column

You cannot manually change the data in the created by column. This is a metadata column and automatically gets its data from the the related row was created.

Last modified time column โฑ๏ธ

Stay informed on the latest updates to your records with the Last modified time column, marking the most recent changes. You can format the date as you like and can also include time.

retablee last modified time column

You cannot manually change the data in the last modified time column. This is a metadata column and automatically gets its data from the time the related row was modified.

Last modified by column ๐Ÿ“

The Last modified by column reveals who last edited each record, providing transparency in your team's data modifications.

last modified by column

You cannot manually change the data in the last modified by column. This is a metadata column and automatically gets its data from the the related row was modified.


With Retableโ€™s advanced column types, you're well-equipped to handle more complex data operations and automate processes for maximum efficiency. These features not only provide depth to your data but also bring a level of precision and interactivity that can transform how you manage information. Explore these advanced columns to enhance your data management and streamline your workflows. ๐ŸŒŸ

Elevate your Retable experience by starting for free today! Dive into the Retable Academy to discover a treasure trove of resources that will enrich and support your journey.

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