🎓 Smart solutions for educators! Simplify student tracking, exam planning, and education management with Retable—make your workflow easier than ever! 🚀
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Your data, your way
The  #1 ultimate online spreadsheet and database tool for all your needs

Transform and organize your spreadsheets into smart data management apps without coding, using powerful automation, AI, and API features—all in one place.

Retable reviews

4.7/5 based on trusted reviews

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Trusted by 4,000+ paying customers! 🌟

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Revolutionize the way you store and organize your data with Retable's online spreadsheet solution.

Collaborate with your team and customers in real-time from a single collaborative platform.

Try for free!
the best airtable alternative,  retable, online spreadsheet user interface


Creating online forms has never been easier!

Automatically create free online forms from your spreadsheets, customize form fields, and see the form responses in real-time.

Try for free!
Retable online forms

Artificial intelligence

Enrich your data with AI to get meaningful insights from your data with our ChatGPT column type directly integrated into Retable.

Easily switch between ChatGPT models and use AI as your special assistant.

Try for free!
Retable AI ChatGPT integration


Retable transforms your spreadsheets into work management apps with 8 smart data views.

Elevate your data visualization to the next level with Retable's grid, list, kanban, card, chart, calendar, map, and form views.

Try for free!
Retable data views


Automate your manual workflows with Retable built-in automation and third-party integrations.

Quickly connect Retable with your favorite apps or setup quick automations to stay in alert!

Try for free!
Retable automations and integrations


Manage your teams within your organization, set specific roles and grant personal or team access.

Fully customize your Retable organization's branding to make Retable your own business tool.

Try for free!
Retable organization and team management
retable reviews

"Retable provides excellent customer support"

retable reviews

"Awesome so far, excited to see how it progresses"

retable reviews

"Best Airtable alternative available in the market!"

Turn your spreadsheets into smart database apps

Organize all your spreadsheets. Securely share and work on them collaboratively.

retable reviews

4.7/5 based on trusted reviews

retable spreadsheet home hero
Retable website background - purple

What our clients say

Check out what our users are saying about Retable on different social platforms!

retable customer reviews
David T.
retable customer quotations

"Retable has been great because the database function is very straightforward to use and out the gate was able to be used to run an API. In addition the speed of development has been nothing short of excellent."

retable customer reviews
Nathalie K.
retable customer quotations

"Retable is surprisingly easy to use. As someone with ADHD and an overwhelming amount of information and creative content to track, I find the UX to be inviting thanks to flexible views, with colour coding, and the use of forms to enter information."

retable customer reviews
Gareth H.
retable customer quotations

"Use-cases are exploding out my ears! Retable allows me to very quickly and easily turn my raw data into an app or interactive dashboard that opens up the data and makes it usable."

retable customer reviews
Malcolm M.
retable customer quotations

"I love that many of the features that are in Airtable are also in this program. It is very easy to use if you have used Airtable."

retable customer reviews
Jock B.
retable customer quotations

"I find Retable easier than other solutions that can be adopted by my team members much easier. The support is great and the app has a great future."

retable customer reviews
Andrés J G.
retable customer quotations

"If you come from the spreadsheets world, this is the next frontier. By having used spreadsheets for years, Retable expands its functionality, yet, using a similar interface and logic, so it's quite easy to deploy and understand its main features."

retable customer reviews
Firman E.
retable customer quotations

"I really like Retable because it has form features. and lots of data displays in the form of cards, graphs, kanban, maps, lists and calendars. I'm very satisfied and I will continue to use my reliable Retable for online databases and Excel data visualization"

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
retable online spreadsheet

Manage all your data in sync

All your data, spreadsheets, workspaces or projects at your fingerprints!

Take your data management to the next level with the powerful online database software. Keep everything in sync with collaborative, smart and no-code free spreadsheet software.

blue check icon
Create customizable & nocode database with free online spreadsheets solution
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Sync your data between spreadsheets

Save 16+ hours/week

Reduce your manual workload and saved from data mess.

retable online spreadsheet

Explore what Retable has for you

Everything you need to collect, manage and share company-wide data

retable advanced daata viewss

8 powerful views

Enhance your data visualization through various data views including grid, list, chart, calendar, kanban, map, card, and form views to suit diverse needs and preferences.

retable field aand columns types

+30 field types

Simplify your all data  management processes from complex calculations via formulas, data enrichment with AI, table referencing, attachment handling and much more.

retable charts and graphs

Charts & graphs

Speed up your data reporting and visualization operations with line, bar, area and pie charts that work in sync with your tables.

retable online forms

Online forms

Easily collect data from external parties through customizable online forms that can be shared and embedded publicly.

retable organization and team management

Team management

Easily manage your organization and teams from a single panel and organize your team's roles and access securely.

retable custom branding

Custom branding

Apply your custom branding to your entire Retable account and work in an interface specially designed for your company.

retable automations and webhooks

Automation & webhooks

Easily sync your data with third-party apps via webhooks, automate your manual workflows and be notified of all changes with automation.

retable easys migration proocess from other tools

Easy migration

Easily import your Airtable and Google Sheets files into Retable. Migrate all your existing .xls and CSV files with various import options.

Collaborate with your team in real-time

Forget complex excel sheets. Revolutionize the way you store and organize your data with Retable online spreadsheet software.

Collaborate with your team and customers in real-time from a single collaborative free spreadsheet software. Empower your team to create custom databases in minutes!

blue check icon
Manage your team's roles & access
blue check icon
Assign tasks to your team and track their performance
retable online spreadsheet
retable online spreadsheet

Visualize, organize and manage your projects

Create special solutions for your projects. Effortlessly organize and analyze your data with Retable's user-friendly spreadsheet software.

Get rid of complex spreadsheets and increase the productivity of your team with Retable's free organized spreadsheet software. Manage your projects the way you want.

blue check icon
Explore ready to use project management templates
blue check icon
Create special workspaces for all your projects and manage all of them from a single platform.

Connect Retable with your favorite apps!

Explore what we have for you

retable online spreadsheet

Flexible custom solutions

Create your custom and flexible online database software. Have a powerful, customizable and smart free spreadsheet software solution for your teams.

retable online spreadsheet

Stay focused on what’s important

Whether you're planning a project or an event, Get real-time notifications for any updates such as form responses, data changes, or any important action.

retable online spreadsheet

Easy team collaboration

Share your projects with your team, manage their roles and collaborate in real-time.

retable online spreadsheet

Efficient business processes

Build special project management applications that best suit your business needs with just drag and drop.

retable online spreadsheet

One platform for all business needs

Manage your entire business from a single platform, without the need to pay for multiple apps and distribute your data.

retable online spreadsheet

Advanced data views

Convert your data into kanban, calendar, grid, card, map and chart views with one click. Work with multiple views simultaneously in real-time and quickly navigate between views.

Our results in numbers


Budget savings

when compared to competitors and manuel effort


Time efficiency

compared to manual and traditional methods


Active users

use Retable and streamline their business operations

See all projects your way

Instantly switch between Grid, Kanban, Maps and 8 other views of your choice.

retable online spreadsheet

Perfect fit for every team

Organize your work, calendars and events with your friends, even customers.

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Migrate easily without pain

Working with other platforms? No problem. Let Retable handle all the migration process.

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Easy as a spreadsheet, smart as a database

Combine the ease of use of spreadsheets with the logic of databases and manage your corporate memory from a single place.

retable online spreadsheet
retable reviews
4.7/5 based on public reviews
+4.000 teams worldwide trusted Retable for half a million tables and 200.000 projects!
retable users map

Get started quickly with ready to use spreadsheet templates

Retable has more than 150 spreadsheet templates to choose from. Select the best spreadsheet template for your needs, customize and share with your team!

Project management
Human resources
Everyday life
Real estate

Connect Retable with your favorite tools

Connect Retable with your favorite tools already available in our directory, your team’s favourite tools are just a click away.
Integration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration icon

Get started quickly with templates

Start creating your smart spreadsheets with Retable's ready-to-use templates and solve even your most complex data management needs.

Boost and enhance your productivity with addons

retable row limit

Row limit

retable automation count

Automation count

retable autoomation run count

Automation run count

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Password protection

retable upload limit

Upload limit

retable storage limit

Storage limit

Join our helpful and thriving community

Join our community of 1200+ members and gain access to the great Retable support team.

Ask your questions, help other Retable users, vote for our next features and be a valuable part of the community.

join retable community

What our users say

Check out what our users are saying about Retable on different social platforms!

retable customer review
Gareth Hayter
12 June, 2023

"Use-cases are exploding out my ears! I opened the box and took a look. Granted, I've only been exploring for a very short while, but this really seems to have a lot of potential. Retable allows me to very quickly and easily turn my raw data into an app or interactive dashboard that opens up the data and makes it usable."

retable customer review
Kris R
16 June, 2023

"Retable is a game-changing data management platform that truly lives up to its promises. From its user-friendly interface to its impressive array of capabilities, Retable revolutionizes the way you work with data. The platform's intuitive and customizable views, including grid, calendar, kanban, and gallery, provide invaluable insights into your data dynamics."

retable customer review
Nathalie K.
15 October, 2023

"Retable is surprisingly easy to use to organize information and keep track of assets. As someone with ADHD and an overwhelming amount of information and creative content to track, I find the UX Retable offers to be inviting thanks to flexible views, with colour coding, and the use of forms to manually enter information."

Retable customer
Naina K.
20 December, 2022

"Thanks to Retable's automation features, you can avoid getting lost among thousands of workflows and data. It is a special assistant for you and allows you to easily remember everything important. It's great to eliminate the complexity of Excel and not spend tons of time on simple functions. "

retable customer review
David T.
16 October, 2023

"Retable has been great because the database function is very straightforward to use and out the gate was able to be used to run an API. In addition the speed of development has been nothing short of excellent. It is a relatively new tool and it has gone from useful to excellent really fast."

retable customer review
Jock B.
10 October, 2023

"I find this easier than other solutions that can be adopted by my team members much easier. The support is great and the app has a great future."

retable customer review
Malcolm M.
13 June, 2023

"I love that many of the features that are in Airtable are also in this program. Very easy to use if you have used Airtable."

retable customer review
Kapil R.
17 July, 2023

"It is an ideal software that will revolutionize the way you work with data and spreadsheets. Retable lets you do a lot more with your data by letting you manage it seamlessly. It is refreshingly different from other options in the market."

retable customer review
Nur P.
13 April, 2022

"I think the most important feature is that it can unite the whole team on a single file while working remotely. Unlike old and manual office programs, it adds lively solutions to the way we do business and makes our work really easy."

retable customer review
Andrés J G.
9 October, 2023

"If you come from the Spreadsheets world (Excel and similar alternatives), this is the next frontier. By having used Spreadsheets for years, Retable expands its functionality, yet, using a similar interface and logic, so it's quite easy to deploy and understand its main features."

retable customer review
Firman E.
13 October, 2023

"I really like Retable because it has form features, excel and lots of data displays in the form of cards, graphs, kanban, maps, lists and calendars. I'm very satisfied and I will continue to use my reliable Retable for online databases and excel data visualization"

retable customer review
Ahmed Farrag Gamal A.
12 October, 2023

"I like mostly the use of use, and more importantly the big amount of templates that can be used for may industries (Marketing, Sales, Project Management and Remote Work). The idea behind the product is simple but very important: it is a collaborative spreadsheet but also Retable has Online forms that I find useful in many occasion.I also like the stability of the product. Haven't faced any noticeable issues since I joined it.The customer support is great!"

Our Community is Growing! 🚀

Join our community of 1,000+ members and gain access to the great Retable support team. Ask your questions, help other Retable users, vote for our next features and be a valuable part of the community.

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Choose the best plan for you

Get your one-month free trial. Then compare and choose a plan that's right for you.

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1 month free trial

For teams that need to create custom business apps with their data.

Try free!
What's included:
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Unlimited workspaces & projects
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Basic, advanced and premium column types
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Unlimited collaborators for per workspace
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50.000 records per project
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1 GB attachment space per workspace
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Automations & webhooks
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Public API
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1 automation per project
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100 automation run per project
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Per user
+$12 per additional user

For teams who need to manage their business workflows and data with a customizable way.

$144 $120/year

Get started
What's included:
blue tick icon
Everything in Starter Plan
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Organization & team management
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Custom branding
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Addons to increase limits
blue tick icon
10 GB attachment space per workspace
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10 automation per project
blue tick icon
1,000 automation run per project
try retable online spreadsheet business unlimited plan

For unlimited users

For departments and organizations who need a customizable, collaborative, and smart business solutions.

More Details
What's included:
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Everything on Team Plan
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On-prem or Dedicated Cloud
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Unlimited Collaborators
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Priority Support

Unlock your team's full potential